This is a test site for Whatsamusic. You can play the official game at
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Now there's finally a way to officially support us, and enjoy a whole bunch of premium benefits, including exclusive early access to host your own games of REDACTIONARY, our upcoming 3rd party game!
Look for Whatsamusic games and players in our Discord!
Playlists we recommend
Playlists made by the community
Find a playlist by code
Playlists that you've created
Create your own list of between 8 - 300 songs and challenge your friends, and/or the Whatsamusic community! Guidelines...
You must be logged in to create a playlist.
Playlist name:
Description (optional):
checked: this playlist needs to be played in its entirety, and in order.
unchecked: the order of songs isn't important, and players may choose how many songs to play, in a random order.
As Is: yes (this playlist needs to be played in its entirety, and in order)
As Is: no (the order of songs isn't important, and players may choose how many songs to play, in a random order)
Thank you for creating a Whatsamusic playlist! This playlist is not published, and is only visible to you under your "By you" tab, or by its unique code , which you may share with your friends. A moderator will be reviewing your playlist shortly, and will publish it for listing under the Community-made tab if approved.
This is a private playlist, and is only visible to you under your "By you" tab, or by its unique code , which you may share with your friends.
Sorry, but this playlist has been rejected for publication by a moderator. It will remain private, and is only visible to you under your "By you" tab, or by its unique code , which you may share with your friends.
checked: this playlist needs to be played in its entirety, and in order.
unchecked: the order of songs isn't important, and players may choose how many songs to play, in a random order.
It's time to choose your song if you haven't already!
0 of 0 players have chosen songs
CHOOSE YOUR OWN SONGS MODE: Each player chooses their own song!
When you click the "Start game" buttonthe host clicks the button to begin the game, all players will have a final 60 seconds to choose their song before the game actually begins.
0 of 0 players have chosen songs
All players have chosen their songs!
The game will start right away when you click the "Start game" buttonthe host clicks the button to begin the game.
Mods can censor, kick, and ban players. You may also transfer Host status to another player, if you'd like to close your browser and let them keep the game going.
Kick player
Remove a player that is afk. They would be able to re-join.
Ban player
Kick and ban a player from ever using their Twitch account to join a game that you host.
Theme Picker
Choose a Playlist
Playlists we recommend
Playlists made by the community
Find a playlist by code
Playlists that you've created
Created by:
As Is: yes (this playlist needs to be played in its entirety, and in order)
As Is: no (customizable - the order of songs isn't important, and players may choose how many songs to play, in a random order)
Thank you for creating a Whatsamusic playlist! This playlist is not published, and is only visible to you under your "By you" tab, or by its unique code , which you may share with your friends. A moderator will be reviewing your playlist shortly, and will publish it for listing under the Community-made tab if approved.
This is a private playlist, and is only visible to you under your "By you" tab, or by its unique code , which you may share with your friends.
Sorry, but this playlist has been rejected for publication by a moderator. It will remain private, and is only visible to you under your "By you" tab, or by its unique code , which you may share with your friends.
Whatsamusic Playlists
If you'd like to design your playlist to be played in its entirety, we recommend that you keep it between 8 - 20 songs in general, which would take approximately 6 - 15 minutes for multiplayer (though much faster for single-player - coming soon!).
You're also welcome to create larger, more general-purpose playlists that can be played multiple times, the length of each game being up to the player. We make sure players don't see the same song in a list until they've seen all of them at least once.
Have fun and thanks for playing Whatsamusic!
Whatsamusic is a free name-that-tune party game!
All players pick one song each in private at the beginning of the game, and then a 30 second clip of each song is played, one at a time, while everyone tries to guess the song's title as quickly as possible. You can also guess the song's artist for partial credit!
Scoring: Guessers get 10 points for each second remaining on the clock for guessing a song's title correctly... OR 4 points for each second remaining for guessing the song's artist - but not both. If you get both right, you'll get credit for whichever one was worth more points.
The player who chose a given song gets a flat number of points for each player who made a correct guess (based on the number of players in the game).
- Site optimized for phones!
- Top 3 medal display after each game is over
- Now showing a summary of songs played after each game is over
- Previewing song clips in the streamer window works now
- Now displaying "You're close on the [title/artist]!" if you're off by one letter
- New visual design (still under construction)
- Playlist mode! Create playlists to play with your friends or share with the Whatsamusic community! Play ready-made playlists from our community playlist directory!
- Single-player mode! Play playlists by yourself whenever you want! Friends are overrated
Streamer Mode
Streamer Mode spawns a separate, small window where you'll type your clues and guesses privately, making the main game screen safe to broadcast to a livestream audience publicly.
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Logging in with Google will request read-access to your basic YouTube account details, for future support for YouTube Live streaming.