Redactionary is in an early Alpha state. You can get exclusive early access to start new games of Redactionary by becoming a What's a Mook? Games subscriber at the Boss level and up!
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Prompt Set ID:
Max # Taboo Words per Player:
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All players play as Describers, and are assigned a secret word. You'll write a description of your word to help a Guesser guess what it is.
[ You're a Describer! Your word is CAT ]
But don't be too obvious, because on your turn, all other players (besides the Guesser) will be Redactors, who will be submitting a list of words that they'll predict you used in your description. All words correctly predicted will be redacted from your description when it's revealed, making it harder for the Guesser to guess.
So instead of:
❌ " This is a furry animal that meows and purrs. "
Try something like:
✅ " These domesticated creatures are sometimes jerks who knock cups off your desk. "
Waiting for the host to start the game...
It's time for describers to write a new description of a new word!
Type as much as you like in the box below to help your assigned guesser (TBD) guess your word!
- Avoid using obvious language, which the redactors would have a good chance to redact.
- Don't use any part of the answer word; don't give clues for how your word is spelled, or what it sounds like/rhymes with.
- Any words not in our dictionary will automatically be redacted.
You submitted your clue.
Time's up!
If you didn't click Submit, whatever you had typed was auto-submitted.
Now it's time to go through everyone's words, one at a time!
Enter up to target words to redact from the Describer's clue
All your words will be auto-submitted at the end of the timer.
Words that are crossed out & highlighted are not allowed to be submitted.
Mods can censor, kick, and ban players. You may also transfer Host status to another player, if you'd like to close your browser and let them keep the game going.
Kick player
Remove a player. They would be able to re-join.
Ban player
Kick and ban a player from ever using their Twitch account to join a game that you host.
Change Answer Set
Enjoy your choice of our alternate Answer Sets with your premium membership!
Enter your own list of answers in the box below!
You must include at least answers.
You may not change your custom answers during a game.
REDACTIONARY is a competitive party word game that's fun and free!
Each turn, one player is the Describer, who will have pre-written a description of a secret word, to help the Guesser guess what the word is.
Everyone else is a Redactor, who each submits a list of words they predict the Describer used in their description. All words correctly predicted score points, and will be redacted from the description when it's revealed, making it harder for the Guesser to guess the word.
Scoring: Redactors get 1 point for every word they redact from each description; 2 points if they were the only one who typed that word. Multiple instances of any given word redacted in a description count once. The Describer and Guesser each get 4 points for a correct guess.
- New AFK Mode: Players may mark themselves as AFK, which will keep them in the game but indefinitely skip their turns as guesser, and not wait for their clues. Good for spectating too!
- Forbidden word filter: server now automatically rejects offensive words submitted as clues
- Added support for embedding room codes in links, e.g.
- SILLY ROOM CODES - premium feature available only to friends of What's a Mook? Games, for now
- Word list is now officially all nouns (if not officially all good words)
- "Mark as correct" link placed next to wrong guess results
- Added options to change length of clue, guess, and post-guess timers
- Added Streamer Mode
PILEUP MODE is an alternate competitive way of playing Crashword where the object is to crash on purpose!
On each turn, clue-givers score a number of points equal to the number of players involved in their crash, e.g. if you and 3 other people typed the same clue, you would each get 4 points. So in order to win, you don't just want to crash, you want to crash on the most popularly written clues!
If the guesser guesses their word right, they score the same number of points as the clue-givers involved in the biggest crash.
Streamer Mode
Streamer Mode spawns a separate, small window where you'll type your clues and guesses privately, making the main game screen safe to broadcast to a livestream audience publicly.
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Logging in with Google will request read-access to your basic YouTube account details, for future support for YouTube Live streaming.